Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Adsense, Traffic, CTR and Ads Placement"

Since the dynamic characteristics of Google AdSense in your income will fluctuate. Your earnings will depend on several factors, including the type of ads on your web services, per click or per impression of these ads cost, your choice by clicking on the user.

If you develop a website, content, poor quality, may give you high CTR and clicks, but you will get a lower price advertising. In addition, no one will want to add your URL to their favorites. However, if you have quality content, so that visitors glued, you may receive a lower click-through rate, but you will get high-priced ads and regular.

Position on the ad - best ad format varies from page to page. We note that, in general, wider ads better, because they are read format. We strongly urge you to place the ads, the first decision. Think about their behavior on different pages, what will be most useful, you can see them. You will find the most optimal ad position is not always what you expect on certain pages.

Previously, AdSense traffic. No traffic, no AdSense. Care about your traffic. Your visitors expect you some valuable information. Be sure to provide high-quality content to them. This will increase your rate of return visitors. "Only those who are less targeted visitors, will return to the content you provide. more targeted users mean more CTR. 85% of the audience to join in their URL to my favorite sites. They do not come back.

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