Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Google AdSense Very Basic Tips

Most pages on the web isplays text ads from Google AdWords program. To display such ads, website join Google's AdSense program. Joining is free, but not all places are eligible to participate. Once you are accepted, but it is very easy to place ads on your pages, and start generating revenue for your site. AdSense will display ads that are usually highly relevant to the content of a particular page. Here are some tips based on my past experience with the AdSense program.

You should not put ads on your empty pages.

A site with good content will thus begin showing relevant ads charge relatively quickly. If you have no content, so Google will have to guess as to what your page is about. It may guess wrong, and therefore the ads it displays may not be relevant. You'll have to wait until Google re-examine the site for the ads to correct themselves. Here's what Google had to say when I asked them how often the AdSense crawler updates a site.

You should ask questions to Google, if you're in doubt

If you're in doubt about something, just ask Google. They always respond quickly. There are two email addresses for use, depending on the type of questions:

You should use appropriate Language

This one is a mistake to be honest. My surname is French, and I prefer to write correctly with the grave accent over first "e". Every page on my site will then include two accented letters, because my name shows twice in the bottom. On some pages my name shows two or three times more.

Usually, this is not a problem. But on some pages occurrence of accented characters is enough to cause AdSense to display non-relevant ads in French. This happens on the browser indicates a preference for French or not. When I told this to Google, the answer he gave me:
Until this is resolved, I decided to isolate all accents except on the pages are actually French.

Check your keyword density

Although Google does not release exact details as they decide which ads to serve on a particular page, they tell us that this is the text content on the page meta tags things, not. Before serving ads on a page so you can check its keyword density. A good, free tool to do this can be found here:

This page lets you fine-tune the display before the AdSense crawler.

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